What Is It


It is a unique structured water device with an encoding of information embedded in glass.
This information is in the form of Lumanetic frequencies which are at very high dilutions and carry only vibrational information.
It does not contain any chemicals and the glass itself is inert.

A good analogy is to compare it to a CD which is also an encoding of specific information (in the form of light).

How Does It Work?

The Water Frequency works by a process called epitaxy. This is a process by which there is a transfer of information without any transfer of matter. It is a process that is used in the semiconductor industry routinely. As explained by Prof. Rustum Roy, who was a physicist and leading materials science researcher at Pennsylvania State University, “Without transferring matter, we only transfer the pattern or information.
Epitaxy is the transfer of information without any (transfer of) matter.”

What Does It Do To The Water?

The SWTRF restructures and transforms the water quickly and effectively. Structured water has many benefits when compared with ordinary tap water or bulk water. To learn more, please see more information on Structured Water.

Get Your Supercoherence Water Frequency!
The Supercoherence Water Frequencies


